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Dr. Julia (Zhongyang) Liu, DDS


Zhongyang (Julia) Liu graduated from China Medical University with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery in 1993 and later acquired a Master of Medical Science degree. She has been working as a dentist in China and Canada for over 15 years and fluent in both Chinese and English. She enjoys practicing all areas of general dentistry, with an interest in wisdom teeth extractions and root canal treatments. Her new dental clinic: Always Dental Care creates a comfortable environment with the newest technology. She strives to provide you with excellent dental services for old and new friends.

刘中扬毕业于中国医科大学口腔系硕士研究生。在中国和加拿大从事牙医工作多年,技术熟练,经验丰富,熟练掌握中英两种语言。新建的牙医诊所Always Dental Care 有舒适的环境,先进的设备 ,会竭尽全力为新老朋友提供让您满意的医疗服务。

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